The volunteers at Walk Ministries were presented with their Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service on 6th September at Rudyard Lake. The Award was presented by Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire, Mr Ian Dudson CBE KStJ. The event was also attended by the High Sheriff of Staffordshire, Mr Jamie Friend DL, Mrs Sanda Friend and The Earl of Harrowby. We caught up with Simon Edwards CEO and Karen Edwards COO of Walk Ministries to tell us more.

Can you tell us more about Walk Ministries?
Walk journeys with those at risk of offending. We bridge the gap between prison and the real world, by providing holistic support including housing, detox, rehab, training and a pathway into employment whilst providing a safe environment until they have the skills and confidence to live independently.

What does it mean to Walk Ministries to receive the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service?
We were delighted, honoured and privileged to receive The Queens Award for Voluntary Service as a charity. It is wonderful for all of our volunteers and staff to receive recognition for all of the hard work in helping make ‘Walk’ the amazing charity it is today.

What was the day like?
We had an amazing day at Rudyard Lake celebrating Walk receiving the Queen’s Award for voluntary service. The sun shone, we shared food, had boat trips, walks around the lake and had the opportunity for those brave enough to paddle board and kayak.