On the 14th November we announced the 281 voluntary groups selected to receive The King’s Award for Voluntary Service in 2024.
The King’s Award for Voluntary Service 2024 Awardees List – PDF
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Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force
Year awarded: 2022Type of group: Children and Young PeopleCeremonial county: Greater ManchesterTransforming lives and building resilience by teaching discipline, respect and essential skills. -
Greater Manchester Magistrates’ Association
Year awarded: 2024Type of group: Children and Young PeopleCeremonial county: Greater ManchesterDelivering workshops in the community to help young people make better choices within the law. -
Greater Manchester Police Special Constabulary
Year awarded: 2018Type of group: Emergency ResponseCeremonial county: Greater ManchesterVolunteer police officers working alongside paid colleagues to help keep the communities of Greater Manchester safe. -
Greater Manchester Transport Society
Volunteers have saved a key part of Britain’s heritage creating a popular award-winning museum. -
Greater Manchester Volunteer Police Cadets.
Year awarded: 2018Type of group: Children and Young PeopleCeremonial county: Greater ManchesterInspiring young people to participate positively in Communities across Greater Manchester through social action projects. -
Greater Shankill Alternatives Community Support Volunteers (GSA’s)
Year awarded: 2007Type of group: Community Hubs and ServicesCeremonial county: County AntrimProvide support volunteers who help victims of crime. -
Green Hive
Year awarded: 2020Type of group: EnvironmentCeremonial county: BedfordshireSupporting local people to turn their ideas for Nairnshire’s community and environment into reality -
Green Towns Shanklin
Year awarded: 2015Type of group: EnvironmentCeremonial county: the Isle of WightCreating a cleaner, greener Shanklin with a better-informed population, creating a real feeling of community spirit across the generations. -
Green’s Windmill Trust
Year awarded: 2017Type of group: HeritageCeremonial county: NottinghamshireOffer a free heritage and educational resource that benefits the local and wider community. -
Greenlight Gateway
Year awarded: 2010Type of group: DisabilityCeremonial county: BedfordshireProviding young people with severe learning difficulties with alternative day care services through recycling and gardening -
Greenmount Village Community D-CaFF
Year awarded: 2020Type of group: Older PeopleCeremonial county: Greater ManchesterProviding a lovely place to meet for people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends. -
Greenock ABC
Year awarded: 2008Type of group: Children and Young PeopleCeremonial county: RenfrewshireThe group aims to get young people off the streets and to channel their energies into sports and a healthier lifestyle. -
Greenwich Housing Rights’ Duty Advice Scheme Volunteers
Year awarded: 2014Type of group: HomelessnessCeremonial county: Greater LondonReducing homelessness by advising and advocating for those at risk of losing their home. -
Gresford & District War Memorial Community Centre Trust
Year awarded: 2016Type of group: Community Hubs and ServicesCeremonial county: ClwydManaging extensive social and recreational facilities for the benefit of the community. -
Greyabbey & District Community Association
Boosting the community by breathing life into the Abbey. -
Greystones Community Action Group
Year awarded: 2008Type of group: EnvironmentCeremonial county: South YorkshireHelping the community through environmental and social support. -
Grimsby and District Live at Home
Year awarded: 2013Type of group: Health and CareCeremonial county: LincolnshireSupporting quality of life and independence for older people through befriending and social activities. -
Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Dial-A-Ride
Year awarded: 2015Type of group: Older PeopleCeremonial county: LincolnshireA voluntary organisation providing door to door escorted transport for the elderly and disabled. -
Gro-Organic CIC
Year awarded: 2019Type of group: EnvironmentCeremonial county: the West MidlandsTransforming lives and land through the power of community, creativity and the great outdoors. -
Grosvenor Road Studios
Year awarded: 2024Type of group: Armed ForcesCeremonial county: the West MidlandsChanging lives and promoting a cohesive community in North Birmingham though a creative musical hub. -
Grounded Community
Year awarded: 2024Type of group: Community Hubs and ServicesCeremonial county: DorsetEducating, growing and sharing to reconnect the community with nature, food and each other. -
Grove Vale Youth Club
Helping young people develop moral, social and physical capabilities. -
Grow Limited
The main aim of Grow Limited is to give occupational training, help and support to the learning disabled. -
Growing Space
Offering real work skills and a support network to help people with mental disabilities reach goals and improve their quality of life -
GRUMPY – Greater Manchester Play Resources Unit
Encouraging creative play for children and adults to develop their imagination using re-cycled materials.